Saturday, May 17, 2014

See how Kimaiyo is drunk with power .Is this the person who will help secure Kenya . Really ?

   Inspector General of police David Kimaiyo
 has been accused of being drunk with power. Kimaiyo was also asking for more power so that the police can shoot to kill with impunity . Since he became the IG, he has been asking for more and more power yet he is not using the current power that he has to do anything of importance. While he was concentrating giving orders on tinted windows, there was a terror attack at Gikomba where 12 Kenyans lost their lives and several injured. Kimaiyo seems not to know what he is supposed to do because he is  always investigating the wrong things. Around February, He Tweeted that he was to investigate Twitter parody accounts having the Kenya police names. Kenyans condemned him  by urging him to investigate meaningful things. It seems his troubles are not over yet as theINDEPENDENT POLICE Oversight Authority says Kimaiyo order on tinted  windows unlawful, urges public to report any harassment or arrests. What is happening with Kimaiyo ? Is he the right IG that Kenya needs to remain secure?


  1. Can Kimaiyo be fired and Marwa be made IG. That guy can work and secure Kenya ...

  2. Si nimesikia hao mafala wanataka kufunga social media . When did Twitter or Facebook cause explosions and kill people ?

    1. Let them try to do that and they will see a revolution . Kenya sio ya mama zao...Mafala sana

    2. Hahahaha...Kwanza let them close my social media accounts . They make me too idle

  3. Kimaiyo wants more and more powers so that he can commit atrocities with impunity

  4. Dont worry about the Gikomba blast. It is a shoe that exploded. More shoes are being investigated

    1. Hahahaha...Umenimaliza ...Hahahaha ..Lol

  5. Kimaiyo doesnt know that Twitter allows Parody accounts ...Enyewe social media ni ngumu

    1. I am sure he never tweets on his own. People tweet for him

  6. Even Miguna can be a good IG ...Hawa Nyani wanatuangusha kiufala sana

  7. As you discuss insecurity stay away from crowded places and always be vigilant .Always bear in mind that another explosion will happen somewhere

    1. I agree with you. Security starts from us . We should report any suspicious activity
